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A better flow of sugar to developing seed, resulting in better corn tip-fill and soybean pod retention.
Bigger and heavier seeds by storing more plant energy for increased yields.
A crop that maximizes the production and storage of starch that becomes more bushels.
Corn: V10-R2 Soybeans: R1-R3 Wheat: Flag leaf through heading Alfalfa: 7 to 14 days after each cutting Rate: 1.5 pt/A foliar application
Great Tank-Mix Partner with Fungicides
MiField Applied Research data from 2020-2023. Trials conducted by FS System customers in real-world farming environments and practices.
Trial completed by New Century FS in Whitten, IA. Ears treated showed greater kernel depth compared to control. Overall 5 bushel increase for treated vs control.
The most innovative technologies such as Genomics, Phenomics and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) allowed researchers to detect expressed genes - related to the increase of plant productivity - directly on corn and soybean. In trials, plants treated with YieldON, when compared to untreated, revealed those genes which are most influenced by YieldON.
Molecular Results Describe YieldON’s Modes of Action
Innovative Approach to Research
Syngenta® Biologicals carried out an integrated “omics & field-trials” approach to characterize the physiological effect of YieldON using different model plants (Arabidopsis thaliana, maize and soybean). The focus was primarily on gene expression and plant phenomic analyses. Thanks to the last “Next Generation Sequencing Technology” researchers accurately detected all expressed genes for agronomically relevant crops like corn and soybean. The results at the molecular and morphometric/physiological levels complemented the evidence found in field trials.
YieldON leverages a new combination of extracts never before used!
YieldON contains a selection of extracts from three families of plants and seaweeds and is enriched with three micronutrients: manganese, zinc, and molybdenum. This formula aids in the efficiency of the plant’s physiological processes responsible for seed development and resulting yield.
Your Lucknow Co-op Crop Specialist is here to help you with your nutrient management plans.
Disclaimer: YieldON is a registered trademark of Valagro S.p.A and used with permission by Syngenta Group.